Javaism, Exceptions, and Logging: Part 2 July 09, 2012

Considering the reactions to the previous post in this series, my intent was obviously misunderstood. Please allow me to clarify that I was not attacking Java or Python: Java is popular and has proven to be productive, both as a language and as an ecosystem; the stylistic and semantic choices it makes are none of my concerns (although I’m not a big fan). And as for Python, I was saying that it copied Java’s implementation in some modules (and I think I’ve shown the correlation pretty well). I said that it’s silly, because Python is not subject to the same limitations of Java, which dictate how the Java implementation works. I’m not going to open the discussion over whether OOP is good or bad, or mix-ins vs. interfaces, etc. – I’m simply saying that “Java concepts” (which I called Javaisms) seem to enter Python for no good reason, meaning, in Python we have better ways to do it. I hope the scope of my discussion is clear now.
When Life Throws Lemons At You
In this installment, I’m going to discuss how to properly work with exceptions, based on my experience with large-scale Python projects. In fact, this series was born after I got frustrated with the code quality of a certain library that my team develops. Instead of discussing specific code snippets here, I want to share a some representative examples that I (as a user of that library) encountered:
I used a function in the spirit of
, and passed a nonexistent device file (for testing purposes or by mistake). The underlying error was obviouslyIOError(ENOENT)
, but what I got back was a sillyDeviceDoesNotExistError
. -
I called
and it simply returnedNone
. Further investigation showed that my machine had a more recent version of a dependency installed on it, in which some method’s name had changed. At some point (deep down the stack), the code usedexcept Exception
(catching the unrelatedAttributeError
) and translated it into aDeviceError
, under the assumption that everything that gets thrown out of that module has to be aDeviceError
. Later,get_device_info
(of a different module) swallowed thisDeviceError
and returnedNone
. -
I called a function such as
and it returned an empty list. At first I was told “Of course, this library isn’t supposed to work on Ubuntu, only on RHEL”. Further (and tedious) investigation showed it simply needs to run asroot
; the code just assumed that any error during the execution an external tool meant it’s not installed.
This kind of stuff happens to me every time I get to an unexplored corner of the code, and I’ve already devised a method for debugging such cases: I comment-out all exception handling code along the way, until I find the actual error. In fact, this is essentially the treatment that I’m about to suggest here. The first rule of exception handling is: Don’t handle exceptions, just let them pass through.
Don’t Catch Broadly
I believe this rule is very obvious
in theory, but harder to follow in practice: the number of exceptions might be large and their
handling similar; you have to import specific exceptions from libraries, which tightly-couples
your code with implementation details; some libraries don’t use a common exception base class for
all of their exceptions, which leads to many isolated except
All in all, you might have attenuating circumstances, but try to stick to this rule as much
as possible. On the other hand, never use a bare except:
! Such an except
-clause will
catch all exceptions, including SystemExit
and KeyboardInterrupt
, so unless you plan
to loose the ability to Ctrl-C a running program, or even prevent it from terminating gracefully,
take the extra step and use except Exception
Don’t be Overprotective
A tendency I find in many programmers is being overprotective towards their users, to the point where it seems like paternalism. It’s as if they try to “hide away” all the complexities of life and present the user with an easy-to-swallow explanation. I should say that this phenomena virtually doesn’t exist in open-source code, so you might have never seen it, but in closed-source projects I find it all over the place. In fact, fellow programmers have told me that’s exactly what they’re doing – protecting their users.
Well, as the saying goes, we’re all consenting adults here. You should expect your users, as
programmers, to have sufficient background; don’t treat them like babies, and don’t try to
protect them by throwing a “user-friendlier” FileNotFoundError
in place of the “raw”
. Besides, keep in mind that the underlying exception usually holds all the needed
information in a very readable manner, e.g.,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/nonexistent'
and anyone with some common sense would be able to cope with it.
– we’ll take it like men (or women!).
A Note On Real Users
A question then arises: what about non-programmer end-users? What if my product’s a GUI/CLI and a nasty stack trace suddenly shows up?
Well, first of all, this rule only deals with libraries and other products whose end users are
programmers. But on second thought, would it matter whether an IOError
or a FileNotFoundError
reaches the surface? The human user cares mostly for a descriptive and easy to understand error
message; the traceback or exception’s type are mostly of interest to programmers.
But then again, when it comes to non-programmers, I don’t want to get into generalizations.
They might as well not be consenting adults…
Don’t Wrap Exceptions
Prior to Python 3, raising an exception during the handling of one, meant the original traceback
was lost. This has been finally solved, but Python 2.x still accounts for the majority of the
code-base. Once you loose the traceback, debugging the problem is much harder as you can’t use a
debugger (pdb
) or even tell where the exception came from… And when it happens off-site,
on a customer’s production server, you’re screwed.
I believe exception wrapping in Python is a legacy of Java that crept into Python (a Javaism).
It resonates as the Java mind-set, where you’d like a library to be contractually obliged to
throwing only certain exceptions. For instance, a queue library might raise exceptions such as
and QueueEmpty
, both of which derive from QueueError
. Later, we add support
for dumping a queue to a file, where an IOError
might happen; because we’re already “obligated”
to throwing only QueueErrors
, they might wrap the underlying IOError
by a QueueError
Don’t do that.
It is reasonable that FooLibrary
would only throw exceptions that derive from FooError
but only when these exceptions originate in FooLibrary
. An underlying IOError
nothing to do with your library, it could happen any time and for various reasons. The same goes for
an HTTP library that might get an ECONNRESET
while talking over a socket – the underlying
is clearly not an HTTPError
(or any of its descendants), and should not
be wrapped by one. Besides, there are so many things that could go wrong, especially in a dynamic
language like Python, that it’s impossible to wrap everything.
It only makes sense to wrap an underlying exception where you can provide additional information
on the cause of it, or where you want to change the semantics of it. A classical such case is
, where you might want to allow several attempts before giving up. Here,
you’d probably want to “accumulate” the intermediate exceptions and raise a
ConnectionError("%d connection attempts failed", accum_exceptions)
Bottom line:
Don’t Handle Exceptions
Let me rephrase that: exceptions should be handled only
where it’s possible to fix/recover from the problem. For instance, if you get an
error whenaccept()
ing on a socket, it makes sense to swallow it and retry. Another use case is for fallbacks: first try to take the short way, and if it fails, take the long one. There are many more examples of handling an exception, of course, but you have to ask yourself whether you’re really handling the problem or just masking it. -
where cleanup/rollback is necessary. It may be the case that you need to run rollback code only if an exception occurs (to release resources, etc.), so a
-clause or a context manager won’t do. In this case you canexcept Exception
, do the rollback, andraise
(without passing any arguments toraise
).Note: I stand corrected by Nick Coghlan – you can use context managers for the very same effect. Forgot about that.
in the main function. Instead of letting the application crash with a traceback, you might want to log the exception to a file, pop up a message box, ask the user what to do next, etc.
In other words: except
-clauses later.
It might seem trivial, but you’d be surprised how many times I find
code that handles exceptions for no good reason. For example, people think that by swallowing
all sorts of exceptions and returning None
, they make their code “more robust”; that’s lying
to yourself. You take a problem and make it worse, as it’s very likely you’d lose the original
details and hide real issues.
I’ve encountered countless cases of code that follows a pattern such as except Exception:
, which hides bugs like a misspelled variable (NameError
). Logging is not
handling the exception (more on this in part 3). In the end, nobody ever reads the log, or even
takes the time to properly configure it, so you ship a “very robust” product that has half the
functionality you think it has.
Closing Words
The lesson to be learnt here is: think before you act. Don’t act dogmatically, don’t follow Java paradigms for no reason, and try to keep your footprint as low as possible when it comes to error handling. As the saying goes, shit happens; calling it in other names does not make it any better. Files disappear, permissions get screwed, devices disconnect, sockets die, everybody lies. That’s life.
Going back to the three bullets I opened this post with, you can see how by being overprotective
and by excessively wrapping exceptions, an AttributeError
became a DeviceError
, which
then became None
. And you can see now why the first thing I do is remove all
exception-handling code along the way: most of the times it just masks the real error, making it
harder to diagnose, while adding little or no added value at all. You don’t make your code more
robust by sweeping problems under the carpet:
On the Granularity of Exception Classes
Some people are rather laconic and use a single exception for everything. I’ve seen people who were
so lazy that they used raise Exception("foo")
directly, instead of deriving an exception class
of their own… People, it only takes one line to derive an exception class, there’s no excuse
for being that lazy!
On the other hand, some people are way too verbose, defining specific exceptions for every minor detail. They end up with dozens of exception classes for each module, many of which are logically overlapping. This makes the implementation cumbersome, and, in fact, might not be useful at all for your users: they usually won’t care for such granularity, and you risk contaminating your interface with implementation details.
The rule to follow here is:
For example, it makes sense to handle a ConnectionError
differently from an
error, but there’s usually little sense in making the distinction between
“connection failed because server is not listening” to “connection failed because server crashed
after accepting us”. But in any case, be sure to include all the available information
in the error message, as it’s important for logging/diagnostic purposes.